Salvo Haul


Wednesdays are half off day at The Salvation Army, so I was able to kind of go crazy. So many inexpensive clothes! I don’t care what someones style is, if you put effort into looking for items while shopping at salvo you will always be bound to find something. This time my visit was mostly about cover ups from the bitter cold outside. Although I do love layering on top I try and never forget to layer on the bottom. Skirts and dresses, I feel, just double up warmth, and style. I’m super happy with this haul.

Blazer: Notations original $4.99 discount $2.50

Sweater: Carl Michaels original $6.99 discount $3.50

Skirt: Express original $5.99 discount $3.00

Jacket: L.L. Bean $6.99 discount $3.50

Skirt (brown): Versailles New York original $6.99 discount $3.50


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