Necessities on a Beautiful Day



Today finally was a day that felt like spring in upstate New York. I love when it starts to warm up, and the summer is not too far. For the love of the warmth I’m showing a few of my necessities.

ONE - EOS Organic - Strawberry Sorbet

Everyone has there signature lip balm, and EOS is perfectly compact, and keeps my lips hydrated.

TWO - Wythe and Berry Body Lotion - Lemon and Eucalyptus

All natural ingredients create the perfect body lotion that lets skin breathe no matter how dry it may be.

THREE - Ginger and Lime Candle

Citrus is my go to for any scent, and candles are my favorite, literally and figuratively, to brighten up the room.

FOUR - Seventeen March 1975

For any time that I need fashion inspiration I look to a gift from my mom, a vintage seventeen from the flower power days.

FIVE - Planner

I’ve learned that with a planner my life is much more organized. Perfect way to get life back on track.

SIX - Macadamia Natural Oil - Reviving Curl Cream

As a girl with curly hair, styling products are not something you can go without. This one right here saves me everyday keeping my hair soft, and my curls tight.

SEVEN - Great Lash Mascara - Brownish Black

For anytime I forget to put on makeup I always keep my mascara with me. With it, an empty face can turn into a full beautiful one.

EIGHT - Envirosax

For a versatile bag this one is the one to have. Whether you’re spending a day at the beach with the small essentials, or a full grocery store trip, it can be used in both situations. It’s still cute, but I can roll it up into a small travel bag quickly an easily.


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Salvo Haul

Wednesdays are half off day at The Salvation Army, so I was able to kind of go crazy. So many inexpensive clothes! I don’t care what someones style is, if you put effort into looking for items while shopping at salvo you will always be... Continue →